Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is me. Kassie. Well, this is me as a redhead anyway. I've done some experimenting and went back and forth between being a redhead and being a blonde. I've have discovered that what they say is true, blondes's really do have more fun.

I love working with children and am a professional nanny. I have kept children in my home and have taken a position a live-in in the past. The time I have spent with the children I have cared for is very special to me and I hope that I touched their hearts as much as they have touched mine.

During my "me" time, I like to sit on my back porch and drink tea, preferably green, kick back and listen to music while I create my jewelry. I am getting more advanced in my craft and have begun to make my own clay beads. I have also joined a singles group/book club. I love to read. The book that we are reading right now is called The Five Love Languages and it helps people with their relationships with the people they are closest to. I am already noticing a difference in how I approach subjects with my family. Just by speaking softer and taking how someone may be feeling into consideration, I can communicate with others better.

Here are my babies! Lola is a Chinese Crested and Ziggy Stardust is a Maltese. They are so rotten! I adopted both dogs from family members, who could no longer care for them. I love to make clothes for them out of old clothes. They like to go for walks with me. They have a pink stroller that I push them through our neighborhood in. They dig it :)

I am so excited to share more pictures of my pups and the things I make, too, in future blogs.

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